Sweet (Treat) Memories

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Sweet (Treat) Memories

Postby VeronikaVideo » Mon Jan 31, 2022 5:48 pm

In honor of the January 31st 2022 treat video premiere, let's share our sweet (treat) memories! This can be any memorable treat or experience revolving around a treat that you had in Walt Disney World!

I'll start with a sweet memory of mine:

Anna's Birthday Cupcake - Remembering this cupcake makes me smile, but it is also a cautionary tale. I got the cupcake from Kringla Bakeri in Norway in EPCOT. I was in Norway because I love Frozen and I got the cupcake because it was my birthday. The cupcake was chocolate because Anna loves chocolate. The chocolate was delicious and I was hungry so I ate the cupcake quickly. I ate it so quickly that I didn't realize how much chocolate was packed into the one cupcake. Almost as fast as I ate the cupcake, my body became full to its breaking point. I had to slow things down for the rest of that night.

So, this memory reminds me to enjoy things at a relaxed pace. It also reminds me of my birthday and of meeting Anna and Elsa, something I always like to do when in EPCOT! Also, as of this writing, it is the most chocolate I have ever experienced contained in one single treat!

Anna REALLY loves chocolate.
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Re: Sweet (Treat) Memories

Postby CH-GenX » Fri Feb 04, 2022 2:09 am

@Veronica-I'm right there with you!

For us it was the very first popcorn bucket we bought. Not one of the fancy Figment ones-but the general round ones. We didn't have a lot of money as a young family-two boys 3 & 5-and our baby girl on the way. (I literally started a Disney fund the day my first son was born & I worked a night job after teaching to save for the trip.) So the popcorn bucket was something we could get that fit our budget and made sense for our trip -our boys fell in love with it-they loved to sit at the top of the train station on main street, watch the parades, fireworks, wave at people and eat popcorn. It reminds me that it's really the simple things at Walt Disney World that are the true magic and memories. It's not the actual rides-it's those times that we laugh about a bird at AK stealing my sons food & how terrified he is of Disney Birds, it was walking through the late night downpour at MK, and was my youngest son showing his Darth Vader his stuffed Ewok.

I know there is a huge fuss over the figment popcorn bucket and I think it's great-but for my family and I-it's always the simpler popcorn bucket. It's a reminder for us to slow it down-put it low gear-and know that the Disney vibe is so much better when it's in low gear.

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Re: Sweet (Treat) Memories

Postby VeronikaVideo » Fri Feb 04, 2022 9:50 am

Ch-GenX, thanks for sharing your memories! I believe that we all have unique experiences and attachments to unique things like your experience with the standard popcorn bucket. Sure, it seems like something ordinary on the surface, but it has special meaning in the context of your memories. I have a memory myself of the standard classic style popcorn container that I got when watching Fantasmic!, essentially for the first time (I technically saw it once before many years ago but didn't remember much). I took the popcorn container back to my resort room and remember feeling so happy from seeing Fantasmic! and being at WDW (it was the first day of my stay). I was recording a video of my vacation and the current video segment was in my resort room with my popcorn container talking about Fantasmic! and my first day. I have video evidence as well as a strong memory of how happy I was holding that popcorn container which, although it was the free standard container that popcorn comes in, was now a symbol of happiness and success in my vacation.

Also, I would have loved to see Vader's reaction to the Ewok! Thanks again for sharing all of your memories.
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Re: Sweet (Treat) Memories

Postby CH-GenX » Sat Feb 05, 2022 7:20 am

The first was back when it was Star Wars Weekends-Vader vs. Moe Then the next two are the popcorn bucket! The third picture you can see my wife to the side cracking up because Moe was telling us how he would give all the people at Disney popcorn and that would make Mickey happy.




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Re: Sweet (Treat) Memories

Postby VeronikaVideo » Sat Feb 05, 2022 10:46 am

Aww, those are great photos/memories! I love Vader's reaction. Also, I agree: free popcorn for everyone! I am sure Mickey would approve.

Seeing Main Street in your photos reminds me of another treat memory I have:

I went to Plaza Ice Cream Parlor on the corner of Main Street and the hub, waited in a VERY long line, questioning my sanity and whether I should leave and get a Mickey Premium Ice Cream Bar from a cart likely just steps away with no line. Well, I stayed in line, and stayed and stayed...until I finally got an ice cream cone. Yes, not some fancy sundae concoction, but a simple cone of ice cream. Then, I entered step two of my plan...no, not eat the ice cream (now I am really questioning my sanity on a hot florida day), but get a picture of the ice cream cone with the castle in the background. (Do people even EAT food anymore?)

Anyway, I got into ANOTHER line (for a photo pass photographer at the hub), hoping my ice cream would stay intact long enough to capture it in a picture (and, yes, for me to eventually be able to eat it). However, my luck with photo pass lines is usually bad and this was no exception. Photographers often don't notice me, there often isn't a clear line to stand in, and then people show up AFTER me, but get noticed first and get their pictures ahead of me (sometimes big groups and lots of pictures). So, MORE time keeps going on in yet ANOTHER line and my ice cream is starting to hit the melting point. I thought of giving up on my quest and, gasp, actually just eating my ice cream, but NO...I needed that castle picture...and eventually, I got it! The photographer looked at me like I was crazy trying to get this picture with the ice cream about to melt, but it was worth it. The picture was glorious, the ice cream was still intact, and, yes, it was delicious once I finally got my picture and ate the ice cream!

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Re: Sweet (Treat) Memories

Postby TigerHeart » Sat Feb 05, 2022 3:50 pm

VeronikaVideo wrote: Sat Feb 05, 2022 10:46 am Aww, those are great photos/memories! I love Vader's reaction. Also, I agree: free popcorn for everyone! I am sure Mickey would approve.

Seeing Main Street in your photos reminds me of another treat memory I have:

I went to Plaza Ice Cream Parlor on the corner of Main Street and the hub, waited in a VERY long line, questioning my sanity and whether I should leave and get a Mickey Premium Ice Cream Bar from a cart likely just steps away with no line. Well, I stayed in line, and stayed and stayed...until I finally got an ice cream cone. Yes, not some fancy sundae concoction, but a simple cone of ice cream. Then, I entered step two of my plan...no, not eat the ice cream (now I am really questioning my sanity on a hot florida day), but get a picture of the ice cream cone with the castle in the background. (Do people even EAT food anymore?)

Anyway, I got into ANOTHER line (for a photo pass photographer at the hub), hoping my ice cream would stay intact long enough to capture it in a picture (and, yes, for me to eventually be able to eat it). However, my luck with photo pass lines is usually bad and this was no exception. Photographers often don't notice me, there often isn't a clear line to stand in, and then people show up AFTER me, but get noticed first and get their pictures ahead of me (sometimes big groups and lots of pictures). So, MORE time keeps going on in yet ANOTHER line and my ice cream is starting to hit the melting point. I thought of giving up on my quest and, gasp, actually just eating my ice cream, but NO...I needed that castle picture...and eventually, I got it! The photographer looked at me like I was crazy trying to get this picture with the ice cream about to melt, but it was worth it. The picture was glorious, the ice cream was still intact, and, yes, it was delicious once I finally got my picture and ate the ice cream!

That icecream looks very good

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