Hulk sized feelings about hot tubs....

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Hulk sized feelings about hot tubs....

Postby pannm » Mon Feb 08, 2021 1:23 pm

:evil: two weeks ago just before booking our last minute trip, my husband made it very clear. He didn't want to even consider going if hot tubs weren't available. We've always enjoyed soaking in the hot tub after walking through the parks for hours. It's not vacation for us without it!

So, before I booked, I called to MAKE SURE hot tubs were open. Their response was "YES! All of our pool facilities are open for use and the hot tubs are open.". I called our resort directly (Royal Pacific).

Today, after walking for hours we excitedly got our suits on, ready for a soak in the hot tub. NOPE. They aren't open. Huh. What in the world was this lady I spoke to on the phone thinking when she gave me false information? I mean, I get that they can't control the rules around COVID...but if it's not open, tell us it's not open!

This information literally would have made us choose different dates for our trip (like waiting until hot tubs were open!).

Just a heads up for the rest of you so you aren't expecting to use hot tubs here any time soon.
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Re: Hulk sized feelings about hot tubs....

Postby AnimalKingdomFan79 » Mon Feb 08, 2021 2:36 pm

Sorry to hear that! Is the hot tub closing related to the pandemic or was it a weather-related/cleaning thing? That's frustrating to get conflicting responses, I'm sorry that happened!
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Re: Hulk sized feelings about hot tubs....

Postby pannm » Sun Feb 14, 2021 12:38 pm

It was due to COVID. I asked. And, it's at ALL Universal property hotels currently. Not a single hot tub available at any of the hotels there. Disney and other Orlando resorts do have hot tubs open though.

When I asked, the lifeguard manager on duty said it was because they didn't have enough employees to guard the hot tubs and keep the numbers under control. We were super bummed!!! My husband and I had planned on spending much more time at the pools/hot tubs than we actually did. We still had a great trip, but we won't be going back until their hot tubs re-open. They said that it could be fairly soon, because more things are opening up. They think hot tubs will all be open "around the same time that Volcano Bay opens" that was good to hear for our next trip.

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