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ResortTV1 Glossary

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2021 12:46 pm
by HuckFinnDiner
Hi everyone,

My wife and I started watching ResortTV1 in earnest around the beginning of the pandemic. That probably makes us relatively new to the stream/channel. Over time, we've learned about certain references and "inside jokes," which help us enjoy the interactions with Josh and Jenna even more. For example, we now know all about the "TTA Monsoon," "Tech Talk with Josh/Jenna," and the fact that they originally lived in Indiana, though there are more things to know, too (we don't think we fully grasp the meaning of #CrazyBananas just yet).

So, here's our idea, but really we're pawning off the work onto others that know this stuff better: a ResortTV1 Glossary of the people and phrases that make this channel so great. It could be a useful guide for new Hoppers and something that the Moppers could use in chat to bring new subscribers up to speed. Here's how I imagine it could be laid out, maybe as a "sticky" thread here on the board:

  • Josh and Jenna - (quick bio here, like that Josh is a teacher or that Jenna has an ear collection worthy of a museum)
  • Mom and Dad -
  • Maria and Chris -
  • Nick -
  • Donna -
  • "Hoppers" -
  • "Moppers" -
  • TTA - Tomorrowland Transit Authority (PeopleMover)
  • TTA Monsoon -
  • #CrazyBananas -
  • LBV - Lake Buena Visitors
  • "Have a great big beautiful tomorrow" - The traditional closing of a video or stream and a reference to Carousel of Progress
  • "Tech Talk" -
  • "Gimbal" -
  • "Bop the Like button" -
  • "Intentional lag" -

Re: ResortTV1 Glossary

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2021 12:55 pm
by disneydorkx
under sayings, add friday night live haha

Re: ResortTV1 Glossary

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2021 3:24 pm
by DanaMarie
This is a great idea..we have our own little lingo within the community and it would be wonderful for the newbies to have a resource to catch up on the highlights! If you need any help, feel free to reach out!

Favorite ResortTV1 Nickname

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2021 9:38 pm
by jayrnj
The “Dream Stream Team”

Re: ResortTV1 Glossary

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2021 6:07 am
by HuckFinnDiner
Okay, here's the best I can do as a relative newbie. If someone more knowledgeable wants to take this on, edit it, add to it, link to associated YouTube channels or pictures, whatever - feel free to "be our guest." (see what I did there?)

  • Josh - One half of the dynamic duo that runs ResortTV1; Jenna's brother. His day job is as a music teacher. He is originally from Indiana. Married to Stef, father to Liam, and loves him some Coca-Cola.
  • Jenna - One half of the dynamic duo that runs ResortTV1; Josh's sister. Has a Disney ear collection worthy of a museum. She is originally from Indiana. Married to Dale, dog-mother to Chloe, and loves her some Starbucks.
  • Dale - Jenna's husband and dog-father to Chloe. Appears occasionally on streams or blogs. Don't let him in on Jenna's merch purchases.
  • "Hoppers" - The general name for members of the ResortTV1 community. Short for "Park/Resort Hoppers."
  • "Moppers" - The name for moderators in the ResortTV1 community. A portmanteau of "moderator" and "hopper."
  • Mom and Dad - Parents of Jenna and Josh. Pretty self-explanatory.
  • Maria - Runs the LBV (Lake Buena Visitors) YouTube channel and Etsy store. Jenna's BFF. Married to Chris.
  • Chris - Runs the LBV (Lake Buena Visitors) YouTube channel and Etsy store. Approximately 9 feet tall. Married to Maria.
  • Nick - Runs the MagicalNewsLive YouTube channel.
  • West Coast Crew - Josh and Jenna's counterparts out in California, who stream from CA parks.

  • "All the Things" - Jenna's catchphrase, because she gets excited about stuff.
  • "Bop the Like button" - A creative way to remind viewers to push/click/tap/smash the 'Like' button on YouTube.
  • Crazy Bananas - ???
  • "Friday Night Live" - ResortTV1's weekly live stream. Announcement videos typically drop on Friday mornings.
  • "Gimbal" - The stabilizing device used to make streams smooth and not bouncy. See 'Tech Talk with Josh.'
  • "Have a great big beautiful tomorrow" - The traditional closing of a video or stream and a reference to Carousel of Progress.
  • "Intentional lag" - Deliberate lag introduced to the stream while changing connections. Typically doesn't last very long.
  • "Sorry" - Josh's catchphrase, because he's really nice.
  • "Tech Talk with Josh" - When Josh geeks out over technology associated with streaming or recording videos. Guaranteed to give you more info than you could have asked for (in a good way).
  • "Tech Talk with Jenna" - When Jenna attempts to describe technology associated with streaming or recording videos. Guaranteed to give you more laughs than you could have asked for (in a good way).
  • "TTA" - Tomorrowland Transit Authority PeopleMover, ResortTV1's favorite ride.
  • "TTA Monsoon" - A sudden and dramatic storm that rolled through Magic Kingdom while the ResortTV1 crew was on the Tomorrowland Transit Authority PeopleMover, turning it into an impromptu water ride.

Re: ResortTV1 Glossary

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2021 6:54 am
by Brad192
Oooh! This is a fun topic! Here's a couple more:

"Relaxing Stroll" - Phrase used to describe a video of a particular area in WDW where there are no rides, and little to no conversation, just a nice walkthru of the area highlighting points of interest along the way. Very zen-like. :P

"The Josh Hustle" - When Josh has to absolutely, positively, get there quickly he shifts into power walk mode & covers an amazing amount of ground in a short time. People with him have a hard time keeping up, what with the turbulence he leaves in his wake! :D

I'm certain I'll come up with a few more...

Re: ResortTV1 Glossary

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2021 7:12 am
by njm62201
Fun thread! Here's a few more I can think of.

Cactus Playing Guitar - A smiling cactus that plays the guitar on It's a Small World; Jenna's favorite character on the ride.

Crazy Bananas Spaceship - A ship in Buzz Lightyear's Space Ranger Spin shaped like a "crazy" banana, and Jenna's favorite. Usually makes a cameo when ResortTV1 streams the ride.

Tone it Down - A comment from a rude guest during an early ResortTV1 stream, telling Josh to talk quieter for no good reason. Inspired merchandise and jokes.

Yoda Best - A saying between Jenna and Maria expressing their appreciation, while also referencing Baby Yoda (or Old Yoda) from Star Wars.

Re: ResortTV1 Glossary

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2021 9:28 am
by T music
This great for all us newbies

Re: ResortTV1 Glossary

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2021 11:00 am
by Brad192
Thought of another one:

"The Backside of _________." - Referring to the iconic phrase on Jungle Cruise, "The Backside of Water", it means the view of whatever you're looking at is from the exact opposite most people think of when viewing said item. Example - View from Fantasyland toward the Castle would be "Backside of Castle", etc. ;)

Re: ResortTV1 Glossary

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2021 11:55 am
by AviationPhotography
There's also 'Just Andrew, I guess' which came from when I would introduce myself as AviationPhotography, and Andrew, who has no special chat name, would borrow the line 'Just Ellen I guess' from Universe of Energy.

There's also '#Not a Selfie Stick'

Re: ResortTV1 Glossary

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2021 10:36 pm
by Elliot1
I like this thread. I think it could be helpful for new hoppers and hoppers who want a refresher.

Re: ResortTV1 Glossary

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2021 4:19 am
by Aeroangel23
HuckFinnDiner wrote: Thu Feb 04, 2021 6:07 am Okay, here's the best I can do as a relative newbie. If someone more knowledgeable wants to take this on, edit it, add to it, link to associated YouTube channels or pictures, whatever - feel free to "be our guest." (see what I did there?)

  • Josh - One half of the dynamic duo that runs ResortTV1; Jenna's brother. His day job is as a music teacher. He is originally from Indiana. Married to Stef, father to Liam, and loves him some Coca-Cola.
  • Jenna - One half of the dynamic duo that runs ResortTV1; Josh's sister. Has a Disney ear collection worthy of a museum. She is originally from Indiana. Married to Dale, dog-mother to Chloe, and loves her some Starbucks.
  • Dale - Jenna's husband and dog-father to Chloe. Appears occasionally on streams or blogs. Don't let him in on Jenna's merch purchases.
  • "Hoppers" - The general name for members of the ResortTV1 community. Short for "Park/Resort Hoppers."
  • "Moppers" - The name for moderators in the ResortTV1 community. A portmanteau of "moderator" and "hopper."
  • Mom and Dad - Parents of Jenna and Josh. Pretty self-explanatory.
  • Maria - Runs the LBV (Lake Buena Visitors) YouTube channel and Etsy store. Jenna's BFF. Married to Chris.
  • Chris - Runs the LBV (Lake Buena Visitors) YouTube channel and Etsy store. Approximately 9 feet tall. Married to Maria.
  • Nick - Runs the MagicalNewsLive YouTube channel.
  • West Coast Crew - Josh and Jenna's counterparts out in California, who stream from CA parks.

  • "All the Things" - Jenna's catchphrase, because she gets excited about stuff.
  • "Bop the Like button" - A creative way to remind viewers to push/click/tap/smash the 'Like' button on YouTube.
  • Crazy Bananas - ???
  • "Friday Night Live" - ResortTV1's weekly live stream. Announcement videos typically drop on Friday mornings.
  • "Gimbal" - The stabilizing device used to make streams smooth and not bouncy. See 'Tech Talk with Josh.'
  • "Have a great big beautiful tomorrow" - The traditional closing of a video or stream and a reference to Carousel of Progress.
  • "Intentional lag" - Deliberate lag introduced to the stream while changing connections. Typically doesn't last very long.
  • "Sorry" - Josh's catchphrase, because he's really nice.
  • "Tech Talk with Josh" - When Josh geeks out over technology associated with streaming or recording videos. Guaranteed to give you more info than you could have asked for (in a good way).
  • "Tech Talk with Jenna" - When Jenna attempts to describe technology associated with streaming or recording videos. Guaranteed to give you more laughs than you could have asked for (in a good way).
  • "TTA" - Tomorrowland Transit Authority PeopleMover, ResortTV1's favorite ride.
  • "TTA Monsoon" - A sudden and dramatic storm that rolled through Magic Kingdom while the ResortTV1 crew was on the Tomorrowland Transit Authority PeopleMover, turning it into an impromptu water ride.
That was a great read. I'm at work and trying not to laugh out loud

Re: Favorite ResortTV1 Nickname

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2021 3:26 pm
by Beaker & Honeydew
That's a good one!

Re: ResortTV1 Glossary

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2021 6:50 pm
by T music
New tonight
“Shut up the shop “

Re: ResortTV1 Glossary

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2021 6:53 pm
by TigerHeart
Josh: "Oh sorry"
Jenna: "Chicken Nuggets" :D

Re: ResortTV1 Glossary

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2021 7:38 pm
by Tina McNeilDCS
"All the Trouble"; a statement made in error by Jenna at the end of a stream, when she was meaning to say 'all the things', but since it was an especially trying night, was rather appropriate. Since then this has become a catchphrase almost as fun as the original. :lol:

Re: ResortTV1 Glossary

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2021 7:46 pm
by Elliot1
Lowlight 1 : a particularly bad or unpleasant event, detail, or part. 2 : an area of the hair made a darker color (as through the application of chemical substances) — usually plural. And his last rule of thumb is to start with a neutral, all-over color—without it, your highlights and lowlights won't pop.

Re: ResortTV1 Glossary

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2021 7:36 am
by ResortTV1
This is a great idea! I’ll come back later and see if I can add anything else that was missed. There’s so much. LOL.

Re: ResortTV1 Glossary

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2021 7:08 pm
by HuckFinnDiner
I've got another one.

"Bam!" - Word that accompanies a sudden look at a visually striking scene or landscape that is worthy of a screenshot.

Re: ResortTV1 Glossary

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2021 9:10 pm
by Brad192
HuckFinnDiner wrote: Tue Feb 09, 2021 7:08 pm I've got another one.

"Bam!" - Word that accompanies a sudden look at a visually striking scene or landscape that is worthy of a screenshot.
Yeah, Josh should be careful, he could get a copyright claim from Emeril on that! :lol:

Re: ResortTV1 Glossary

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2021 6:00 pm
by KayleighMcD
Just been reading through this whole thread and I love it so much! I’m sure there’s more but you guys have covered ALOT !
Great work 👏🏻!

Re: ResortTV1 Glossary

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2021 8:33 am
by HuckFinnDiner
I think we have another entry after the last couple of streams:

"Accidental Shopping" - When Josh inadvertently or Jenna "inadvertently" finds himself/herself in a gift shop, whether for a Coke or other necessities.

Re: ResortTV1 Glossary

Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2022 12:10 pm
by Elliot1
Potato mode: the lowest quality for streaming.